Jan 13, 2025
Here’s a simple, three-word formula to stand out at work and make a lasting impression:
What does this mean? It’s simple: don’t make your boss do the work of finding answers, solving problems, or gathering information that you could easily handle yourself. If you’re constantly leaning on your boss to do things you could have figured out with a bit of effort, you’re not demonstrating initiative – you’re demonstrating laziness.
Rockstar employees separate themselves by going the extra mile. They don’t stop at the first hurdle; they keep researching, experimenting, and asking questions until they solve the problem. They take ownership of their tasks and responsibilities.
If your boss has to step in and “figure it out” for you, then they don’t really need you on the team. Your boss already has a job to do – don’t make the mistake of pushing your work onto their plate.
Leaders - The FIO mindset starts with YOU. This crucial skill that all dentists desire amongst their team can only be inspired when you lead well.
Here’s the truth: yes, people tend to cultivate the “FIO” mindset when they are both hungry for success and clearly motivated. However, they also need to understand what they’re working toward – and that’s where leadership comes in.
As a leader, you can’t expect your team to read your mind! You must:
When you do this, something incredible happens: your team takes ownership! They step up, solve problems, and handle challenges without needing constant hand-holding. Over time, you’ll find that some areas of your practice run smoothly without your direct involvement. Why? Because your rockstar team members have already figured it out.
The best employees possess the “FIO” mindset. This skillset – the ability to take initiative, problem-solve, and deliver results – is worth more than any degree or credential.
So, whether you’re a team member striving to stand out or a leader building an exceptional team, remember this: mastering the art of “FIO” is the key to unlocking success.
Rockstar team members don’t just do their jobs – they own them. Be that person. Lead those people. The results will speak for themselves.
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