change culture growth mindset leadership martin luther king jr personal growth vision Jan 17, 2025
Every year around this time, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr., and it feels like his quotes pop up everywhere on social media.
And while it’s great to see so many people honoring him, I can’t help but think: wouldn’t he feel more honored if we spent less time sharing his words and more time living them?
Even so, it’s amazing to see people pay tribute to a man who changed the world so profoundly—and all before his 40th birthday.
For me, Martin Luther King Jr. is more than a historical figure. He’s one of my personal heroes. He was bold, unapologetic, and so committed to his mission and movement that he didn’t let fear or opposition stop him. Celebrating his life and legacy feels deeply personal to me.
A Personal Reflection
I have to admit something, though. For years, I knew about Martin Luther King Jr., but I didn’t really get the full impact of what he accomplished—or what he still teaches us today.
Think about this: 250,000 people showed up to hear him speak at the March on Washington. No social media, no email blasts, no viral hashtags—just people inspired by his message.
Why did they come?
He taught us, through his words and his actions, about the power of dreaming big, staying positive, and taking inspired steps to make those dreams a reality.
Going Beyond the Quotes
It wasn’t enough for me to just know his famous quotes or speeches. I wanted to understand the man behind them. So I dove deeper. I read his “I Have a Dream” speech and his letters from jail.
What I discovered was someone whose bravery and conviction weren’t just about speeches—they were about living his truth, even when it cost him dearly.
Martin Luther King Jr. earned the Nobel Peace Prize for standing firm in his belief that people should be judged by the content of their character, not their appearance. He also pushed us to think beyond ourselves and ask: “What am I doing to make the world better for others?”
How Do We Truly Honor Him?
So, how can we honor Martin Luther King Jr. in a way that goes beyond sharing a quote or taking a day off work?
Here are a few ideas:
Serve Others. You don’t have to be perfect or have all the answers. Just show up where you’re needed—whether that’s helping a fellow team member, volunteering in your community, or mentoring someone who could use a hand.
Check Your Biases. Take some time to reflect on your own assumptions and how they shape your actions. Growth starts with self-awareness.
Speak Up. If you see something unfair or unjust, don’t stay quiet, and refuse to participate in gossip. Why is it that the dental office can sometimes rival an episode of Mean Girls? Even if you are just listening to gossip, you're part of the problem.
Walk the Talk. King didn’t just say what he believed—he lived it. If you value kindness, equality, or justice, let those values show in what you do every day.
What's next?
It’s heartbreaking to think about how abruptly Martin Luther King Jr.’s life was cut short. But when I reflect on all he gave us, I can’t help but smile. He showed us a new way to dream, live, and lead.
We’ve made progress since his time, but let’s be honest—there’s still work to do. The best way to honor him is to carry his vision forward, not just in our words, but in our actions.
So, let’s not wait for the next inspiring leader to come along. Let’s be the ones who inspire change.
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